
Cat and Daffoldil, roses are pink...

Roses are pink S$33.90 US$24

roses are pink

(Swarovski crystal, Japanese imported Tiansha Beads, freshwater pearls and other lovelies)

Cat & Rose S$33.90 US$24

cat & rose

(Swarovski crystal, freshwater pearls and other lovelies)

Cat & Daffoldil S$32.90 US$23

cat & daffoldil

(Swarovski crystal, freshwater pearls and other lovelies)

Dove S$32.90 US$23


(Swarovski crystal, freshwater pearls and other lovelies)

Angelicious Dream S$32.90 US$23
angelicous dream

(Swarovski crystal, moonstone, freshwater pearls and other lovelies)

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